
Arlene B. Britanico
Assistant General Manager

Duties and Functions

  • Assists the General Manager in providing executive leadership in the overall management, supervision and control of the operations and internal affairs of the Authority relative to financial management and administrative services matters;
  • Oversees the operational activities of the organizational components under their functional jurisdiction and coordinate the implementation of the plans, programs and projects thereof;
  • Advises and assists the GM in the formulation and implementation of the general management objectives, policies, measures and guidelines pertaining to financial management and administrative services;
  • Acts for and in behalf of the GM on such general management matters pertaining to financial management and administrative services that may be require final action/approval by the GM whenever the GM is unable to perform his duties due to absence or other allied reasons, subject to prior authorization issued in writing by the GM;
  • Performs other related functions and such other duties as may be assigned/delegated by the GM.